Customize the welcome page

CompleteFTP's default home page (below) is displayed when a user first navigates to the server via a web browser.

Welcome Page

To modify the text or replace the home page, follow these steps:

  1. Create or locate the customization instructions file at the path:
    C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Include\custom\customizations.jss
  2. To modify the text and logo of the existing home page, use the variable assignments as illustrated below:
    publicPageContent.homeURL = "";
    publicPageContent.logo = "";
    publicPageContent.title = "My Company";
    publicPageContent.subTitle = "";
    publicPageContent.login = "Sign In";
    publicPageContent.links = [
    	{ url: "", text: "Usage Instructions" },
    	{ url: "", text: "Privacy Policy" }
  3. Alternatively, replace the home page entirely by setting the variable publicPageTemplate to the path of your custom HTML file:
    publicPageTemplate = "../Include/custom/homePage.html";
    The resulting file path will be:
    C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Include\custom\homePage.html
    Ensure this HTML file has a link to /Login or use the provided Javascript redirect code:
    	<script type = "text/javascript">
    	  window.location = "/Login";
  4. The login and logout pages can be customized using loginPageTemplate and logoutPageTemplate variables, respectively. Ensure that customized templates work reliably, especially after CompleteFTP updates.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Step-by-step guide: Customize the web home page